Friday, September 18, 2015

Rush to Lush

One of my favorite things to do on a cold fall evening is take a nice warm candle-lit bath. But not just any type of bath; it has to be a bubble bath. Without the bubbles it just isn’t complete, and in my opinion, not okay. 

I first heard about Lush through some of my favorite Youtubers, and instantly became a bit curious. I immediately went to their website to check it out and I had to stop myself from buying one of everything. Mainly because they are on the pricey-er side but also because I am extremely picky when it comes to different scents. I clicked on the location tracker and found that the nearest store was over two hours away - bummer. But now that I have moved away for college I am much closer to a Lush store. In fact, I am only 5 minutes down the road from one - YAY ME! 

On one of my days off I ventured down to the tiny strip mall that it is nestled in, and spent a good half hour jumping from either side of the store. Unfortunately the location in my town is super tiny, but I still walked away with 4 products to try out; two bubble bars, and two bath bombs. I will most definitely pair up the bath bombs with the bubble bars because there is a part of me that just doesn’t agree with sitting in colored bath water. 

Here is what I purchased: 

Butterball Bath Bomb
Retail price: $4.95

Sunny Side Bubble Bar
Retail Price: $7.25

The Comforter Bubble Bar 
(bits of it already crumbled off, but they are in the bag!)
Retail price: $10.95

Pink Bath Bomb
Retail price: $4.95

I will follow up with reviews of each, but I was so excited when I popped into the shop and walked out with these four products, I had to write about it! 

Since I am a newbie and don't have a favorite quite yet, tell me, what is your favorite product from Lush?

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